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Summertime is Here: Stay Cool and Save Money Doing It

JACKSON, Miss.- Summertime is slowly making its way in, so this is the time of year where we see a big spike in the power bill, due to over-use of the air conditioner. We spoke with Maura Hartmann, of Entergy Mississippi to learn a few ways that you can keep cool and save money on electricity at the same time.

“Some of the tops ways would be to set your thermostat at about 78 degrees, and do your best to leave it there, because every degree lower than that can raise your bill as much as three percent,” Hartmann said. “Also, of course, if you spend a lot of your day at the office, or somewhere outside of your house, set your thermostat to automatically shut off the air conditioner when you’re away, because heating and cooling systems are the biggest electricity user in a house.”

She said there’s more than one way to cool off other than the air conditioner.

“You also might want to use fans to cool off, ceiling fans in the bedroom or portable box fans strategically placed around the house can make you feel a whole lot cooler,” she added. “But remember, fans cool people and not rooms. They just make it feel cooler than it is. So turn them off when not in use, so you’re not inadvertently using extra electricity there.”

If you close your blinds, or shades, or curtains, whatever you have on your windows, when you leave for the day, or even when you’re home, that helps keep the sun out, and it keeps the cool air in and it will make a big difference.

Here the full interview with Mara Hartmann HERE:

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