JACKSON, Miss- This week in Mississippi it is Child Passenger Safety Week. This week we focus on making sure our kids are safe in the car.
Annaliese Johnson, Education and Evaluation coordinator for SafeKids reminded Jackson residents that they’ll be hosting several events for parents to have their car seats checked.
Monday, Sept. 14th- Wiser Hospital for Women and Infants, UMMC campus
Wednesday, Sept. 16th – Wiser Hospital for Women and Infants, UMMC campus
Saturday, Sept. 19th- Mississippi Children’s Museum, 2145 Highland Drive (no sno cones at this location)
All of the events are free to the public and will go from 11-2. They are also serving sno cones for $2 to employees and guests.
If you’re not able to attend the events but still want to have your seat checked you can visit Safercars.gov, or call Safekids at 6018156212.