Soldiers from the Mississippi National Guard’s 155th Armored Brigade Combat Team began arriving back in the U.S., February 16th. The brigade has been deployed to...
In November the Mississippi Department of Employment Security says the number of jobs in Mississippi rose by 3,900 from October to 1,172,800 which are the...
Poultry processor Pearl River Foods is growing its workforce in Carthage, adding 450 jobs to support an increase in production. The additional jobs will bring...
Families First for Mississippi has announced a partnership with KLLM Trucking Driving Academy and the Mississippi Department of Human Services. The partnership began when John...
Education and workforce in Mississippi have gone hand in hand for years, but now, the two will be seeing more communication. The state Workforce Investment...
The Secretary of State’s Office recently completed a survey of 1,800 business owners, and it revealed common hurdles to starting a business, investing and expanding...
Complete 2 Compete, a program aimed at helping adults with some college credit complete a career-technical or STEM degree, has launched a website. The Complete...
JACKSON, Miss.–The Governor’s Energy Summit convenes Wednesday morning at the Jackson Convention Complex. Speakers will include Gov. Bryant, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Cheers star...
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